like new 30 available Aust machinery 33 sages rd glenroy The swingo 455 is super agile and cleans brilliantly leaving floors clean and safe. Idea for larger washrooms, kitchens and congested spaces. Key Features 22L tank capacity 43cm working width Single disc drive Electric Gel Li-Ion battery options Key Benefits Versatile disc machine for superb cleaning performance Compact and agile designed for use in small or congested hard floor areas Patented V-shaped squeegee enables excellent water pick-up on the floor no adjustment needed Ergonomically designed with adjustable folding handl...

$12,000 Ex GST

2 available Taski Swingo XP-R stand on battery operated auto scrubber drier with round disc provides cleaning for customers requiring intensive heavy duty cleaning. It delivers the comfort of stand-on cleaning with unmatched visibility around the machine. 75cm working width Rotary action with multiple brush and pad options Gel Li-Ion battery options Key Benefits Big capacity stand-on machine for tremendous productivity. Twin disc R for multiple brush pad options. All the benefits of a ride-on in a smaller footprint with great visibility agility Large 113L solution tank and IntelliFlo...

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