Aust Machinery

New Windsor Carpet Cleaner Cadet 7
5 available Aust machinery 33 sages rd glenroy It s easy to see why the Cadet 7 ....

Used Like new TASKI SWINGO 455B walk behind scrubber 30 available
like new 30 available Aust machinery 33 sages rd glenroy The swingo 455 is super....

7 available Machine only Polivac Commercial Carpet Cleaner 220PSI Polivac Termin....

Used Polivac predator/ steamvac invader 24 available complete
24 steam cleaners available 600 psi low hours complete with hoses and wands Aust....

2 available Aust machinery 33 sages road glenroy ruby 48bl is a single brush flo....

Used Adiatek Coral 70s Ride On
Like new 71 hours CORAL 70S A ride-on sweeper machine with a cleaning width of 7....

Used Comac Cs 110d Ride On Diesel Operated Sweeper 504 hours
504 hours Perkins motor Comac Cs 110d Ride On Diesel Operated Sweeper Working Ca....

Used Compact Heavy Duty Ride-on Sweeper PB 115 (1300mm path)
Large PB115 Ride on LPG Sweeper - LOW HOURS 414 Aust machinery 33 sages rd glenr....

Used Karcher ksm 750 sweeper 38 hours
Like new only 38 hours on it aust machinery 33 sages rd glenroy we have a large ....

New Tennant T500 scrubber Like new 870 hours
T500 540 hours like new Reduce costs to clean, increase productivity and simplif....
SAVE $909

Used Tennant t500 walk behind scrubber
12 available ready to go aust machinery 33 sages rd glenroy 3046 T500 Reduce cos....

Used SC400 Walk Behind Scrubber Dryer
10 available The Nilfisk SC400 provides you with the cleaning capacity and flexi....