Aust Machinery

Like new 63 hours retail 43,000 Comac Optima 100 101cm Ride on Battery Scrubber Complete - 106584 It is a comfortable scrubbing machine which can also be used on long shifts, providing full visibility of the working area and an instrument panel featuring simple, user-friendly controls. The isolation of the vacuum motor makes it possible to use the machine during business opening hours, without disturbing those around whilst protecting the health of the operator. Thanks to the adjustable pressure on the brushes, it can remove stubborn and difficult dirt from any hard floor. Automatic...

great condition ready to go Innova 55 B ride on scrubbing machine, thanks to its very compact dimensions is able to replace a traditional walk behind scrubbing machine in maintenance cleaning of surfaces up to 3,000 sq. m. Comac designed a scrubbing machine that is extremely convenient indeed, with the same investment intended for a walk behind model is possible to have Innova 55 B that is more user-friendly and faster in cleaning operations. The reduced dimensions and the driving wheel of automotive inspiration give to this model the needed manoeuvrability to perform in small space...

504 hours Perkins motor Comac Cs 110d Ride On Diesel Operated Sweeper Working Capacity sqm h 12780 Working width with central brush mm 1100 Working Width with Side Brushes mm 1420 Speed km h 0-8 Dump System Front Hydraulic Power Supply Traction Dielse Auto. Hydraulics Debris Hopper Capacity L 480 Includes Cloth Filter Central Brush Side Brush Optional Accessories Over head Guard

L16b compact walk behind scrubber Near new condition Compact scrubber Aust machinery 33 sages rd glenroy

Demo 14 hours Aust machinery 33 sages road glenroy Suitable for the maintenance and in-depth cleaning of large areas where the utmost discretion is required during cleaning operations for surfaces up to 1,650 sqm . The Simpla 65 BT has 2 disc brushes with a 66 cm working width Thanks to the new soundproof head, the Simpla scrubbing machines may be used for cleaning environments such as nursing homes, hospitals and rest homes, that are extremely noise-sensitive during cleaning operations, or in retail outlets such as supermarkets during normal opening hours.

In stock used 33 sages road glenroy Innova is the highly user-friendly scrubbing machine suitable for maintenance cleaning of surfaces up to 6000 sq. m, which allows a dramatic reduction in the cost of cleaning. Features Available with 1 disc brush, working width of 61 cm , with 2 disc brushes, working width of 65, 75, 85 and 100 cm and with 1 cylindrical brush with a working width of 69 cm. Innova 60B was designed in order to replace a walk-behind scrubbing machines, with the aim to drastically reduce sq. m scrubbed cost offering a real competitive advantage, particularly for the en...

8 available Vispa 35B is the floor scrubber that has revolutionized cleaning operations in small and congested areas because it s perfect to replace manual cleaning systems. Floors are scrubbed, dried and hygienized in a single passage, so that they re immediately safe to walk on. Designed for cleaning small shops, offices, canteens, restaurants, wellness centers, hair salons, doctors surgeries and nursery and other schools, Vispa 35B offers all the advantages of a professional scrubbing machine, with the practicality and compactness that have always distinguished it.