Aust Machinery

91 HOURS AUST MACHINERY 33 SAGES ROAD GLENROY is machine version is provided with two counterrotating disc brushes and it has a cleaning width of 66 cm. The machine is very compact with a large working width, those features make the jade 66 indicated for both large places that need a fast cleaning and very dirty floor with narrow passages. The machine is equipped with a strong, shockproof aluminium brush base. The elastic joints of the brushes supports grant a perfect adherence reducing any vibration.

Retail 22,990 Our price 12000 gst 33 sages road glenroy Ride-on scrubber, compact, 24V batteries powered and equippedwith a double counterrotating brushes brush base with two geared motors and a cleaning width 65 cm, even if it is very short the squeegee grant a perfect drying in every situation. The polyethylene tanks are very thick and ensure a 100 liters detergent solution capacity. The machine works with a 24V voltage and the battery pack has a maximum capacity of 240 Ah 5 ensuring a 4 hours autonomy. The driving seat is ergonomic, provided with digital controls and it indicates...

Adiatek Jade 55c
UsedNew Adiatek Scrubbers The Jade 55c is a battery operated walk behind machine with a cleaning path of 550mm, and is characterized by two cylindrical brushes turning in the same motion, which not only highly cleans the floor surface but also provides natural traction to the machine. This machine is suitable for small environments, and is the master when it comes to scrub and clean any safety and non slip surface. The Jade 55c is ideal for swimming pools areas, Schools, Shopping Centre s and Airports. Another unique design ahead of its time. Type of drive Semi-automatic Working capacity...