Aust Machinery

SANITISER AVAILABLE NOW AUSTRALIAN MADE 70 -80 50ml available - 5.50 500ml avail....

New Windsor Carpet Cleaner Cadet 7
5 available Aust machinery 33 sages rd glenroy It s easy to see why the Cadet 7 ....

Used Like new TASKI SWINGO 455B walk behind scrubber 30 available
like new 30 available Aust machinery 33 sages rd glenroy The swingo 455 is super....

Used 3 available Taski Swingo 755B Battery Powered Auto Scrubber Drier
3 available like new Aust machinery 33 sages rd glenroy Taski Swingo 755B is a b....

Used Tomcat RS MicroRider Scrubber Dryer
Aust machinery 33 sages road glenroy The RS Scrubbers offer the great productivi....

New Adiatek Jade 66 walk behind scrubber
91 HOURS AUST MACHINERY 33 SAGES ROAD GLENROY is machine version is provided wit....

Used Polivac Titan Steam Cleaner/ Carpet extractor 71 hours
71 hours Polivac titan steam cleaner steam cleaner Complete with 15m hoses and 4....

Used Conquest mmx walk behind scrubber
Available now Aust machinery 33 sages rd glenroy 43cm available now....

Used L16b compact walk behind scrubber
L16b compact walk behind scrubber Near new condition Compact scrubber Aust machi....

Used Nilfisk SC800-86 Walk behind floor scrubber
Aust machinery 33 sages road glenroy 3046 shaun- SC800-86 SC800 is designed for....

Aust machinery 33 sages road glenroy 3035 123 hours BA 625 725 825 are powerful ....

Used Comac Simpla 65bt 14 hours scrubber
Demo 14 hours Aust machinery 33 sages road glenroy Suitable for the maintenance ....