Nilfisk SC800-86 Walk behind floor scrubber

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Nilfisk SC800-86 Walk behind floor scrubber : $6,000 AUD ($6,600 Inc. GST)
Aust machinery
33 sages road glenroy 3046
SC800 is designed for maximum performance, easy handling, low maintenance, superb cleaning results and yet it is an eco-friendly solution.
SC800 walk-behind scrubber dryer is designed for heavy-duty cleaning but is easy to handle and flexible in every day cleaning situations. It is ideal for routine cleaning from ultra light to heavy scrubbing such as entryways, spill cleanup, grease removal, grout and porous-surface cleaning. SC800 can clean with water only for detergent residue removal. Combined with a new squeegee concept SC800 provides more effective water collection, and together with the powerful vacuum motor ensures that the floor dries quickly.
SC800 walk-behind scrubber dryer for heavy-duty cleaning
Powerful brush and vac motors, high down pressure (up to 77 kg), outstanding cleaning and drying performance: the best answer for heavy duty “industrial “task
Green oriented: complete consumption control: Ecoflex™ system, low noise level (only 61dB(A))
Large 95 litre solution and recovery tanks give extra capacity for longer working time
The scrub deck is protected with removable covers that prevent damage to walls and doors, while providing easy access for maintenance
Right industrial shape in compact dimensions. No compromise on the ergonomic level and maneuverability