Gazda GX22

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Gazda GX22 : $3,000 AUD ($3,300 Inc. GST)
700 hours
Used Gazda Power Sander:
Come with 3 monthes warranty
Refurbished Gas Power Floor Polisher
21"/53cm pad
Kohler 15hp motor
• Gazda Tough Design.All materials used in making a Gazda are selected to give the longest
• possible service.
• Kohler 15hp Engine We use only Kohler engines. We have tested all the major brands & only
• Kohler industrial engines are tough enough.
• High Tech Fully Sealed Lead Acid Battery. We chose this battery because it is the best battery we
• could find. It’s completely maintenance free - no topping up, no corroded terminals, ever.This means at least five years trouble-free battery life, with 2 year manufacturers warranty
• Easy-to-use gas cylinder clamp makes cylinder changing quick & easy, even if your cylinders aren’t
the same size.
• Improved Padlok pad retainer for quick, simple pad changing: improves the grip on the pad. No
tools needed to change pads.
• Clearly labelled features & controls minimises training of new operators, helps ensure correct
maintenance of your valuable investment.
• Easy-to-empty dustbag is twice the size, no troublesome zips or closures to get broken or lost
1. Our fully-floating skirt is made of ultra-tough, hard wearing plastic.
2. The pad is fully enclosed to contain the dust raised when you buff. The high performance vacuum fan blows the dust away into the filter bag.
The Kohler 15hp engine and the unique Gazda design combine to give 3000rpm pad speed on the
floor. True Ultra high speed performance to give your floor the highest gloss level.
The efficiency of the new dust control system combined with the full-surround skirt leaves the floor
virtually dust-free, no more do you have to re-sweep the floor, or dust shelves after buffing.
The gas control system fitted to all Gazda machines is designed to meet or exceed regulations
Including AS1425 (Automotive Gas Code) and the Qld Gas Act.All components fitted are of the highest quality, and are approved by the Australian Gas Association, as required by AS1425.
In addition, Carbon Monoxide exhaust emissions are 1/5 th the level allowed under National Health
& Safety Guidelines.