Comac innova 65b Ride on Scrubber

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Comac innova 65b Ride on Scrubber : $10,000 AUD ($11,000 Inc. GST)
In stock
33 sages road glenroy
Innova is the highly user-friendly scrubbing machine suitable for maintenance cleaning of surfaces up to 6000 sq. m, which allows a dramatic reduction in the cost of cleaning.
Available with 1 disc brush, (working width of 61 cm), with 2 disc brushes, (working width of 65, 75, 85 and 100 cm) and with 1 cylindrical brush with a working width of 69 cm.
Innova 60B was designed in order to replace a walk-behind scrubbing machines, with the aim to drastically reduce sq. m scrubbed cost offering a real competitive advantage, particularly for the end user.
Innova offers the economic advantage to be used up to four non-stop working hours thanks to the optimization of energy consumption. The compact size allows the machine to pass even through traditional doors or be transported in lifts.
Innova 65/75/85/100 B/M-70S are scrubbing machines which guarantee a dramatic reduction in the cost of cleaning thanks not only to an advantageous purchase price but also to the complete equipment of all Comac systems that reduce waste and consumption (automatic version).