Adiatek diamond 100s Ride on Scrubber

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Adiatek diamond 100s Ride on Scrubber : $15,000 AUD ($16,500 Inc. GST)
The Diamond 100s model is a ride on machine with a washing and sweeping group, two cylindrical brushes, 100cm cleaning path that collects the dirt into a collection box, accelerating the cleaning process. Has a working capacity up to 7000 sqm/h. The powerful traction motor permits the Diamond to work on slopes with a gradient up to 10% and a speed up to 7km/h. Two big tanks with a capacity of 235lts ensures longer productivity, easy to be inspected and cleaned. An ergonomic driver seat for utmost comfort of the operator. Simple and complete operator interface, check panel indicating all functions and the possibility to work in automatic mode, guaranteeing the simplicity of learning and the use of the machine.
Excellent to work in all fast cleaning maintenance operations and suitable for floors with large joints, The Diamond 100s is certainly in a class of its own.