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70xGAS 20? 50CM HIGH SPEED GAS BURNISHER : $1,500 AUD ($1,650 Inc. GST)
70 available
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aust machinery
33 sages rd glenroy 3046
When you want 1,900 square meters per hour straight line gas burnishing, you can rely on the legendary long life and reliability of the Polivac 20? Gas burnisher.This compact high speed machine delivers 13 horsepower (and more*) in a balanced, Operator-friendly package. Smooth to operate and easy to use, the Gas 20? punches above its weight compared to other machines in its class. Fitted with the new Closed Loop Engine Emission technology, it automatically ensures that CO emissions are minimised and maintained at safe levels, below the workplace exposure standard determined by Safe Work Australia. All-Australian designed and built, the Gas 20? has been specifically designed for Australian operating conditions. Parts available all over Australia with over 120 Distributors.Video on how to start Gas 20? Burnisher available – Just click on the video tab next to photos.